
For any questions relating to these submissions, please write an email to:

Further information on the stocktaking exercise

Demo of the online repository of the global stocktaking of marine litter actions:

For more information on the stocktaking and the survey in particular, and how to submit inputs please access the webinar recoding through:

We also wish to remind you that guidelines on how to fill in the survey are available through:

Also find available the webinar presentations

Recording of webinar on approaches to analyse effectiveness

Recording of webinar

Powerpoint presentation on: Approaches to analyse effectiveness pursuant to UNEA Resolution 4/6 paragraph 7(d)

You are here

Voluntary inputs to the report on stocktaking

This section requests the inputs based on the following operative paragraph of UNEA 4 resolution 6:

7. Decides to extend until its fifth session the mandate of the ad hoc open-ended expert group on marine litter and microplastics established by its resolution 3/7, and requests the expert group, building on its previous work, to:

(a) Take stock of existing activities and action by governments, regional and global instruments, international organizations, the private sector, non-governmental organizations and other relevant contributors to reduce marine plastic litter and microplastics with the aim of the long-term elimination of discharge into the oceans;


Submissions can be made through the two options below:

Option 1: Submit your inputs through a questionnaire on the link below:

Submission link

Option 2: Download and fill in the template (downloadable here) then upload your duly filled in document through the file upload tool below: 

Disclaimer: Those countries that have already submitted this information through the G20 will not need to resubmit, unless you wish to update the information.

Files must be less than 10 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf doc docx odt ppt.